Malazan Wiki
Malazan Wiki
Deadhouse Gates
Dramatis Personae Prologue
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chain of Dogs
Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Deadhouse Gates
Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Chapter 24
Epilogue Pagination


Death shall be my bridge.

Toblakai saying

Inland of Sialk

Duiker and a sergeant of the rebels observe the aftermath of a battle between Coltaine's Malazans and the Army of the Whirlwind near the village of Bat'rol. Though they have suffered a defeat, the rebels are gaining strength and pursuing the 7th Army. A scout brings news that Kamist Reloe lives and a High Mage with a new army is joining them from the north. Duiker leaves the rebels and follows the trail left by Coltaine's Army and the refugees, southwards into the Sialk Odhan. He ponders Coltaine's options and is concerned he himself might not survive long enough to rejoin the Malazans. Duiker notices horsemen ahead, riding hard, which he guesses to be Tithan horsewarriors on their way towards Dryj Spring where he expects Coltaine to be heading as well. He notices a cloud of Capemoths behind him and shrugs off the impression that there might be a face in that cloud.    

Near Skullcup


Jade Hand by Corporal Nobbs

It has been six days since their escape from Skullcup. Heboric has gone to observe a mass of beetles which has risen from the floor of the basin ahead just as he, Felisin, Baudin are about to set off for another night’s travel west. Felisin is still recovering from the Bloodfly-bites. Even though the swelling has decreased, she feels it has left a sense of rot which is poisoning her soul.

They come across a large, green monolith, made of jade, which Heboric claims to be a finger. Otataral dust from a storm pollutes the air, which makes Heboric eager to seek the cover of their tents. The three travellers keep antagonising each other. As they rise to continue their journey, Felisin notices that one of Heboric's stumps has become infected where it touched the Monolith. She wonders if Heboric is going to live much longer. When Heboric lags behind, Baudin goes looking for him and Felisin takes the opportunity to rifle through Baudin's pack where she finds many curious items, assassin’s weapon’s mostly, as well as what looks to be the talon of a large cat. Baudin returns with Heboric, who is covered in tattoos everywhere apart from the swollen stump. Annoyed by her, Baudin informs Felisin that Beneth used to laugh at her efforts on behalf of them. She refuses to believe him and declares that her dreams have told her that she will be the only one to live through their journey.

The night following, they come across a spring only to find out that it is fouled. Heboric seems like he is almost dying, so Baudin, using Heboric's tattoos, successfully attempts to open the warren of Fener. Afterwards, Heboric seems much recovered and claims that Fener is now back in the mortal world but that the God is afraid. They continue their journey, Heboric claims he smells water and tells Felisin that when they are at the coast she will find that nothing has changed. Baudin shouts in surprise.


Mappo thinks back to his tribe days. Icarium confesses his curiosity over Mappo's memories. They discuss Sha'ik's death and the prophecies.


Fiddler, Crokus and Apsalar continue down the ancient road on their ever tiring horses. On the right, behind the cloud of sand, they can hear an inhuman fight. They have to stop because Crokus' horse gives up. They brace themselves for battle, realising the fight they hear is between D'ivers and Soletaken. Fiddler sees three Gral hunters charging towards them, one is attacked by a Soletaken in the form of a bear, and the rest including a fourth Gral hunter, previously not seen, are defeated by Apsalar in quick succession. Fiddler is injured during the attack. In the chaos, a D'iver called Gryllen comes upon them, but Icarium and Mappo appear and vow to protect Fiddler, Crokus and Apsalar, making Gryllen retreat.  
