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Gadalanak was a proud and boisterous Meckros warrior.[1][2] He fought with a short-handled double-bladed axe and wore a helm.[1]

In Reaper's Gale[]

Gadalanak was among the champions brought back to Letheras by the Tiste Edur to face their emperor, Rhulad Sengar, in mortal combat.[1] He had been found by one of the Tiste Imperial Fleets in a ruined Meckros city.[3] While practice sparring with Karsa Orlong and the other champions, the Teblor grabbed Gadalanak by the arm and tossed him into a wall across the training yard. The injured Meckros called Karsa's move unfair and Puddy agreed with him. Practice with such techniques did them no good as the emperor did not possess similar strength and fought in a more civilised manner. Gadalanak had to search out a healer for his shield arm.[1]

When it came time to schedule the order the champions would face Emperor Rhulad, Gadalanak's fight was assigned for the first day. Rhulad won the battle within two to three heartbeats, first cutting off his weapon hand, then severing his shield arm. The Emperor was so infuriated by the ease at which the Meckros was defeated that he chopped the body into pieces. By the time the corpse was removed and brought to the Urn Room to be interred, it was barely recognizable as human and its blood had completely drained into the arena's sands.[4][5]

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