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Sag'Churok was a hulking male K'Chain Che'Malle K'ell Hunter, who served along with Gunth Mach as Redmask's bodyguards.[1][2] He had sinuous neck with a broad jaw filled with dagger-like fangs.[3] His long heavily muscled arms were held huge curved swords of iron where his hands should be.[3] He stood on enormous hind legs with taloned feet, holding his huge tail straight back for balance.[3] He was capable of making enormous leaps in the air.[3]

Both K'Chain Che'Malle had prodigious appetites and often spent their time hunting prey. Sag'Churok could easily bring down a Bhederin bull twice the size of an ox and relished the killing. Afterwards, he yielded the carcass to Gunth Mach until she took her fill.[4] Rhinazan that had followed him from Lether's eastern wildlands alit on his back to pluck ticks from her hide and lick the blood and gore of his opponents from her scales.[1]

In Reaper's Gale[]

Sag'Churok and Gunth Mach accompanied Redmask back to the Awl'dan when the exile launched his war on the Letherii Empire for their subjugation of the Awl. When Redmask raided the Drene Garrison for intelligence on his enemy, the two K'Chain Che'Malle ambushed and slew the mounted soldiers who followed him in pursuit.[1] They slaughtered an entire camp of drovers and their families so that Redmask could take possession of their stolen herds of Rodara and Myrid.[5] They also joined Redmask when he confronted War Leader Hadralt for control of the Ganetok clan. The two K'Chain Che'Malle kept Hadralt's loyal Copperfaces at bay so Redmask could challenge Hadralt without interference.[6]

Toc Anaster asked how Redmask had come to know their names, but the war leader refused to answer. The Malazan observed that K'ell Hunters normally served as the elite guard of K'Chain Che'Malle Matrons and wondered if Gunth Mach was a Queen in the making.[7]

At the Battle of Bast Fulmar, Sag'Churok attacked the Letherii supply camp and hospital tents. Amidst the slaughter he was charged on horseback by Overseer Brohl Handar, his Den-Ratha K'risnan, and four Tiste Edur warlocks. The K'ell Hunter leapt over the K'risnan's sorcerous attacks, crushing and tearing the warlocks and their horses to pieces. Both Handar and the K'risnan were knocked to the ground and seriously injured with the Overseer's leg cut by his own blade.[3] The two K'Chain Che'Malle employed similar stealth tactics at the Battle of Pradegar, bursting from the tall grasses amongst the Awl war dogs and into Overseer Brohl Handar's Edur forces. Sag'Churok cut the Den-Ratha K'risnan into three pieces. It took the overwhelming number of Edur spears and swords to drive them off.[8]

During the final battle against the Letherii at Q'uson Tapi, Sag'Churok and Gunth Mach lay burrowed beneath the mud of the battlefield for hours, bursting out at the battle's start to slay the last two remaining Letherii mages amidst their bodyguards. During the mud-slugged fighting that followed the two K'Chain Che'Malle moved against the weaker Letherii flanks, but the constant barrage of arrows and spears kept them on the move. As the tide inevitably turned against the outnumbered Awl, Redmask made plans to seek out and kill Bivatt on his own. The two K'Chain Che'Malle seemed to join him for this task, but turned on Redmask and killed him. Sag'Churok hacked apart Redmask's horse before cutting off the warleader's legs above the knee. Gunth Mach crushed Redmask's chest under her foot then tossed him into the air for Sag'Churok to chop off his right arm. As the two K'Chain Che'Malle departed the battlefield, Toc Anaster mused that their mysterious alliance had ended once Redmask had failed them.[9]

In Dust of Dreams[]

Sag'Churok was one of the guardians of Kalyth along with Kor Thuran and Rythok.
(Information needed)

In The Crippled God[]

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"We rush to our deaths . We rush to fight beside ancient foes. We rush like the past itself, into the face of the present. And what is at stake? Why, nothing but the future itself."

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Reaper's Gale, Chapter 2, US HC p.69-70
  2. Reaper's Gale, Dramatis Personae
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Reaper's Gale, Chapter 12, US HC p.334-336
  4. Reaper's Gale, Chapter 4, US HC p.94
  5. Reaper's Gale, Chapter 4, US HC p.109-115
  6. Reaper's Gale, Chapter 6, US HC p.145
  7. Reaper's Gale, Chapter 10, US HC p.266
  8. Reaper's Gale, Chapter 16, US HC p.478
  9. Reaper's Gale, Chapter 22, US HC p.680-681/696-697/699-700
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