The Bonehunters | |
Dramatis Personae | Prologue |
The Thousand-Fingered God | |
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |
Beneath This Name | |
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
Chapter 11 | |
Shadows of the King | |
Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 |
Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 |
Chapter 16 | |
The Bonehunters | |
Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 |
Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 |
Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 |
Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 |
Epilogue | Pagination |
Epigraph |
What is there left to understand? Choice is an illusion. Freedom is conceit. The hands that reach out to guide your every step, your every thought, come not from the gods, for they are no less deluded than we – no, my friends, those hands come to each of us...from each of us. recounted by Vaylan Winder, Malaz City, the year the city overflowed with sewage (1123 Burn's Sleep) |
Malaz City[]
Banaschar broods in Coop's Hanged Man Inn while verbally sparring with an unknown foreigner, a massive man with scars covering his hands, and an accent Banaschar can't place.
The residents of Malaz City no longer believe the official narrative regarding Coltaine and the rebellion. Many now think Coltaine was a traitor, and that an imposter had been killed instead of the real Sha'ik in an attempt to deflect the army. With the recent news of the plague in Seven Cities, and the appearance of Sha'ik Reborn, violence had broken out. Wickan residents of Malaz City had been pulled from their homes, stoned to death and then dumped in the river.
Banaschar has sent six messengers to Tayschrenn who is known to be staying in Mock's Hold about a matter of great importance, but has received no reply from Tayschrenn leading him to think the messages are being intercepted.
Kokakal Sea[]
Ahlrada Ahn is on a Hiroth ship, thinking about Rhulad's current reign and his own role in it. Ahlrada was in the Nascent when Trull Sengar was banished. He had also searched for Fear Sengar and Udinaas but had been unable to find them. Ahn was a spy in the Tiste Edur, with his true loyalties lying with the Bluerose people descended from the Tiste Andii, but he had been too scared to support Trull when he was trying to rein in Rhulad. The Edur's current expedition, commanded by Tomad Sengar, has been to travel the continent and find challengers to bring home to fight the Emperor. Ahlrada hopes that maybe this time they have found someone truly formidable.
In the hold of the ship, Letherii Commander Twilight is trying to get Taralack Veed to get Icarium to eat and drink. The Letherii are concerned that Icarium is wasting away, and will not survive the voyage. Icarium is upset because he does not want to kill anyone and has no desire to fight Rhulad. Taralack tries to convince him that there are no innocent among the Edur or Letherii, but the Jhag is unconvinced. Twilight informs them that the Preda demands a test of Icarium. Icarium realizes that she is a prisoner of the Edur, and ponders the notion of justice.
The First Throne[]
Cotillion travels through warren and appears at the site of the First Throne. Speaking to Minala, she informs him that the Tiste Edur have attacked and been turned back four times but at heavy losses to her "children." She asks for more demons to defend, but Cotillion tells her they can only be spared when the need is greatest. He promises to summon Shadowthrone to heal the wounded defenders. So far the attackers have not recognized Trull, but Minala is concerned that someone will soon, and then the Edur will attack in force.
Onrack asks Cotillion why the Edur seek the throne when they will be unable to use it. He tells Onrack that they will unleash the warren of Chaos and destroy the throne and its power. Monok Ochem complains that Onrack is only there to defend Trull and not the throne itself. Cotillion asks Ochem to call more T'lan Imass to defend, but Monok tells him that they are already heading to war on Assail. The Imass are unconcerned with the First Throne because its power is waning. Cotillion asks Onrack if the power can be restored enraging Ochem who refuses to let him answer. Cotillion is about to leave on an unknown path when Panek tells him that he misses Edgewalker. Cotillion asks why, and Panek responds that it is because of Edgewalker's stories of dragons, and how they all cast shadows into the realm of Shadow. Cotillion is taken as he suddenly understands the hidden meaning of these words.
Trull watches as Cotillion is visibly shaken. Trull cannot understand why the Edur are not sending a real force to attack, but assumes they do not take the alliance with the Crippled God seriously. He knows they will once they realize he is there, but he is unwilling to abandon Minala's children. Trull begins weeping, and Onrack attempts to comfort him by telling him he feels an animal presence deep inside the cave, and that something compassionate is watching them. Shadowthrone appears, and states that the presence isn't him. He announces that they must hurry and begins the healing process with Trull.
Kokakal Sea[]
Samar Dev is on the ships deck while Karsa tends to Havoc below decks. Feather Witch introduces herself to Samar, and then asks to be taught Malazan. Samar refuses, and Feather Witch threatens to have her killed, until she is reminded that Karsa Orlong would kill everyone on the ship in return. Feather Witch stalks off and Samar Dev is concerned that the Letherii witch may try something. The Taxilian approaches and warns Samar to be careful around Feather Witch, then tells the story of how he had been captured by the Edur and kept alive as a translator. Feather Witch has been taking Malazan lessons from the Taxilian, but he has been purposely teaching her badly to slow her learning. While they are talking the Edur lookouts start shouting. Ships have been sighted in their wake, and Samar Dev realizes it is the Admiral Nok's fleet, and the Malazan army, Taxilian tells Samar that Tomad Sengar's war fleet is now behind the Imperial Fleet, and they plan to completely annihilate the Malazans.
Malaz City[]
Banaschar is heading to Coop's when he realizes he's being followed by someone. Ignoring them, he heads into the bar and sees an enormous hairy man seated alone at a table. The man is Master Sergeant Braven Tooth and Banaschar is hoping he can circumvent the gatekeeper and help him talk to Tayschrenn. Braven Tooth agrees if Banaschar will purchase the beer while he drowns his sorrows.
In a tower overlooking the rain covered city, Pearl thinks of the only woman he'd ever loved, and how the flames of Y'ghatan had killed her. He imagines waves of blood washing over the walls of the city, when Mallick Rel seems to read his mind and complete the thought. Pearl wishes to kill Rel, but knows that he his protected here in his residence by numerous wards and rituals. Mallick tries to convince Pearl to speak with Korbolo Dom imprisoned beneath the city. Pearl admits that he knows Korbolo was always an agent of the empress and never a traitor. Rel tells him to listen to his advice to speak with Korbolo Dom, for the good of the Claw. Pearl is shocked that Mallick would threaten the Claw, but this thought is interrupted by Mallick wondering if all the rain will make the seas rise.