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The Crippled God
Dramatis Personae Pagination
"He was a soldier"
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
All the takers of my days
Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7
To charge the spear
Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The fists of the world
Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13
A hand upon the fates
Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Chapter 16
To one in chains
Chapter 17 Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Your private shore
Chapter 21 Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Chapter 24
Epilogue I Epilogue II

As found in the US TOR Hardcover (ISBN 978-0-7653-1010-1) - other print/electronic editions may vary.

In addition to those in Dust of Dreams

The Malazans[]

The Host[]

The Khundryl[]

The Snake [ misprint for 'The Shake' ][]

The T'lan Imass: The Unbound[]

The Tiste Andii[]

The Jaghut: The Fourteen[]

The Forkrul Assail: The Lawful Inquisitors[]

The Watered: The Tiers of Lesser Assail[]

The Tiste Liosan[]


The following list records all of the characters that appear in The Crippled God in alphabetical order.

Names in bold indicate characters that are mentioned in the book's Dramatis Personae section.
Names in italics are characters that appear or are mentioned in the book, but are not listed in its Dramatis Personae section.

Characters that are only talked about or referred to in the books but do not make a full appearance are marked with (Mentioned only).
Characters that are talked about or referred before then making a full appearance in a later chapter of the book are marked with (First mentioned) and (First appearance).

Note that clicking on any links may take you to pages that contain spoilers.
Characters marked with Spoiler safe have been vetted as being displayed in a spoiler friendly way (you should be OK as long as you do not scroll beyond the book titles you have read).

Characters in addition to the original Dramatis Personae (DP) from the book are given in ITALICS. These include the characters listed in The Crippled God Appendix:Dramatis Personae (A:DP) (who will be identified by a ► before their entry names).[1]

Contents:    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  •  Notes and references

Be aware that there are significant variations in the main Dramatis Personae (as well as in the Appendix:Dramatis Personae) among the various printed and electronic editions of The Crippled God.

Information about the The Crippled God edition used for this "The Crippled God/Dramatis Personae" is given below in the "Notes" section.


  • Abide, a Forkrul Assail 'Lawful Inquisitor', a 'Pure'[2] Spoiler safe
  • Abrastal, Queen of Bolkando, Commander of 'The Evertine Legion'[3] Spoiler safe
  • Absi, toddler son of Onos Toolan and Hetan[4]
  • Adast, Face of the Moon among the Korsone, a 'forgotten god' (Mentioned only)[5] Spoiler safe
  • Aimanan, an undead Jaghut warrior, one of The Fourteen Undead Jaghut[5] Spoiler safe
  • [ 'Aimanan Hood' (an A:DP entry) is a misprint for the entry Aimanan and the separate entry Hood ]
  • Aloft, a Forkrul Assail 'Lawful Inquisitor', a 'Pure' (First mentioned)[2] (First appearance)[6] Spoiler safe
  • Amby Bole, Shareholder, Trygalle Trade Guild[4] Spoiler safe
  • Amiss, a Lesser Assail, a 'Watered'[2] Spoiler safe
  • ( Ammanas: see Shadowthrone )
  • Ampelas, an Eleint chained in Kurald Emurlahn[7] Spoiler safe
  • Andarist, Tiste Andii, brother of Anomander Rake and Silchas Ruin (Mentioned only)[8] Spoiler safe
  • Anomander Rake, Soletaken Tiste Andii Eleint, 'Lord of Moon's Spawn' (Mentioned only)[7] Spoiler safe
  • Antsy, a retired Bridgeburner in Darujhistan (Mentioned only)[9] Spoiler safe
  • Aparal Forge, a commander of Tiste Liosan forces, a Soletaken Eleint[7]
  • Apsalar, ex-assassin, once aka 'Sorry' (First mentioned)[10] (First appearance)[11] Spoiler safe
  • Apsal'ara, 'Mistress of Thieves'[7] Spoiler safe
  • Aranatha, close kin of Nimander Golit (Mentioned only)[12]
  • Aranict, Atri-Ceda (high mage) of the Letherii Army[3]
  • Aras, a young messenger of the Shake 'Army'[13]
  • Ardata, Elder Goddess (Mentioned only)[14]
  • Asp Slither, Squad Mage, Malazan Army 'Regular'[6]
  • Aysgan, a member of Yedan Derryg's elite Troop, the 'Watch' (Mentioned only)[15]
  • Azalan Demon, a previous acquaintance of Kalam Mekhar in Seven Cities[8]



  • Caladan Brood, an Ascendant and a powerful Warlord (Mentioned only)[9]
  • Calat Hustain, a 'Warden of the Outer Reach' in the time of ancient Kharkanas (Mentioned only)[12]
  • Calm, a Forkrul Assail 'Lawful Inquisitor, a 'Pure'[7]
  • Canarab, father of Corabb Bhilan Thenu'alas (Mentioned only)[20]
  • Cartharon Crust, a sea-captain 'Old Guard' member, brother of Urko Crust (Mentioned only)[24]
  • Cartographer, an undead 'Master of Maps'[4]
  • Casel, a member of the Shake 'Army', brother of Sharl[13]
  • Cellows, Sergeant, a member of Yedan Derryg's elite Troop, the 'Watch'[13]
  • Clasp, Corporal, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Clip, a Bluerose Tiste Andii, self-exiled in Black Coral (Mentioned only)[7]
  • The Cobra God, a Dal Hon deity (Mentioned only)[8]
  • Coltaine, legendary Wickan Commander of the Malazan 7th Army (Mentioned only)[3]
  • Corabb Bhilan Thenu'alas, Corporal, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Cord, Sergeant, Malazan Army squad member (Mentioned only)[17]
  • Cotillion, Assassin of High House Shadow, aka 'the Rope'[7]
  • Could Howl, Soldier, Malazan Army 'Regular'[6]
  • ( Crippled God: see Kaminsod )
  • Crokus, an ex-thief and ex-assassin (aka 'Cutter') from Darujhistan[11]
  • Crone, matriarchal leader of the 'Great Ravens'[6]
  • Crump, (aka Jamber Bole), Malazan Army squad member[17]
  • Curdle, a possessed skeletal reptile (First mentioned)[4] (First appearance)[25]
  • Cuttle, Malazan Army squad member[16]




  • Faint, Shareholder, Trygalle Trade Guild[4]
  • Fanderay and Togg, the 'Wolves of Winter', war deities (Mentioned only)[4]
  • Faradan Sort, Fist, Malazan Army[16]
  • Father Light, Elder God of the Tiste Liosan (Mentioned only)[7]
  • Fear Sengar, a Tiste Edur warrior (Mentioned only)[7]
  • Feather Witch, a Letherii ex-slave of the Tiste Edur (Mentioned only)[2]
  • Felash, Princess, 14th Daughter of Queen Abrastal of Bolkando[3] Spoiler safe
  • Felisin Paran, younger sister of Ganoes Paran and Tavore Paran (Mentioned only)[9]
  • Fener, the 'Boar of Five Tusks', a war deity (First mentioned)[4] (First appearance)[5]
  • Fenn, a (perhaps legendary) Teblor war-king (Mentioned only)[26]
  • Festian, a Lesser Assail, a 'Watered'[5]
  • Feveren, Captain, 'The Evertine Legion' of Queen Abrastal[5]
  • Fiddler, Captain, Malazan Army[16]
  • Fisher kel Tath, an immortal bard (Mentioned only)[17]
  • Flashwit, Malazan Army squad member (First mentioned)[16] (First appearance)[17]
  • Freedom, a Forkrul Assail 'Lawful Inquisitor', a 'Pure' (First mentioned)[2] (First appearance)[6]


  • Gaelar Throe, a member of the Tiste Liosan 7th Legion[13]
  • Gall, Warleader, Khundryl Burned Tears[3]
  • Gallan, Seneschal, Court of Mages in ancient Kharkanas, aka Blind Gallan (Mentioned only)[13]
  • [ 'Gallimada' (a DP entry) is a misprint for Gillimada ]
  • Gand, a Teblor warrior, brother of Gillimada[5]
  • Ganoes Paran, High Fist of 'The Host', 'Master of the Deck of Dragons'[7]
  • Gathras, an undead Jaghut warrior, one of The Fourteen Undead Jaghut[27]
  • Gaunt-Eye, Sergeant, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Gebbla, a soldier of 'The Host'[8]
  • Gedoran, an undead Jaghut warrior, a Lieutenant of The Fourteen Undead Jaghut[19]
  • Gent, (ex-Khundryl Burned Tears), Malazan Army Outrider, son of Berrach[16]
  • Gesler, Sergeant, Malazan Army squad member, attached to the K'Chain Che'Malle as Mortal Sword[3]
  • Gillimada, a Teblor leader, aka 'Gilli'[5]
  • Gill Slime, Squad Mage, Malazan Army 'Regular'[6]
  • Ginanse, an ex-veteran domestic knife-sharpener (Mentioned only)[26]
  • Glanno Tarp, Shareholder, Trygalle Trade Guild (Mentioned only)[4]
  • God of the Forkrul Assail, a 'forgotten god' (First mentioned)[5] (First appearance)[6] Spoiler safe
  • Gothos, a Jaghut mage, also a guardian of the Malaz City Azath (Mentioned only)[19]
  • Grave, a Forkrul Assail 'Lawful Inquisitor', a 'Pure' (First mentioned)[2] (First appearance)[6]
  • ( Greymane: see Stonewielder )
  • Grid Ffan, Corporal, Malazan Army 'Regular'[6]
  • Grub, a young Malazan Army member[3]
  • Grunter Gafan, a father of four sons, bullies of the young Corabb Bhilan Thenu'alas (Mentioned only)[20]
  • Gruntle, Shareholder, Trygalle Trade Guild, (also the Mortal Sword of Trake)[4]
  • Guardian of the Names, a revenant, encountered by Brys Beddict (Mentioned only)[18]
  • Guardians of the Gate of Death, Ascendant Bridgeburners, led by Whiskeyjack[25]
  • Gumble, a toad, critic of the art of Ormulogun[22]
  • Gunth Mach, Matron, K'Chain Che'Malle (First mentioned)[3] (First appearance)[5]
  • Gu'Rull, a Shi'Gal Assassin, K'Chain Che'Malle[3]



  • Icarium, a Jhag, aka 'Lifestealer'[7]
  • Idist Tennedict, Commander, the Letherii 'Chancel Battalion'[22]
  • Ikarl, Captain, a veteran soldier of the Perish Grey Helms[18]
  • Intransigent, a Lesser Assail, a 'Watered', 'Inquisitor of the Southern Fleet'[9]
  • Iparth Erule, a Tiste Liosan Soletaken Eleint[7]
  • Irind, Captain, Tiste Andii Legions (in contemporary Kharkanas)[12]
  • Iron Bars, an Avowed of the Crimson Guard (Mentioned only)[26]
  • Itkovas, Lord of Terror among the K'ollass K'Chain Che'Malle of Ethilas Nest, a 'forgotten god' (Mentioned only)[5] Spoiler safe
  • Itkovian, Shield Anvil of 'Fener's Reve', Grey Swords of Elingarth (Mentioned only)[17]


  • Jade giant, one that had been completely buried in the 'Wastelands' of the Lether continent[19]
  • Janath, Queen of Lether (Mentioned only)[3]
  • Jastara, widow, Khundryl Burned Tears[3]
  • Jhess, 'Queen of Weaving'[10]
  • Jula Bole, Shareholder, Trygalle Trade Guild (Mentioned only)[4]


  • Kadagar Fant, a Tiste Liosan Soletaken Eleint, self-styled 'Lord of Light'[7]
  • Kahlb the Silent Hunter, one of 'The Unbound' T'lan Imass, High House Chains (First mentioned)[4] (First appearance)[6]
  • Kalam Mekhar, an assassin (First mentioned)[17] (First appearance)[9]
  • Kallor, aka the 'High King' (Mentioned only)[15]
  • Kalse, an Eleint chained in Kurald Emurlahn[7]
  • Kalt Urmanal, a member of the Orshayn T'lan Imass[19]
  • Kalyth, (Elan) Destriant of the K'Chain Che'Malle[3]
  • Kaminsod, aka 'The Crippled God', King of High House Chains (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[6]
  • Karas, a widow, sister-in-law to Shortnose (Mentioned only)[29]
  • Karsa Orlong, a Teblor/Toblakai warrior, living outside Darujhistan[7]
  • K'azz D'Avore, Commander of the Crimson Guards, an Avowed (Mentioned only)[22]
  • Kedeviss, a Tiste Andii, close kin of Nimander Golit (Mentioned only)[12]
  • Kellanved, first Emperor of the Malazan Empire (Mentioned only)[4] Spoiler safe
  • Kellaras, a commander of Tiste Andii forces in ancient Kharkanas (Mentioned only)[13]
  • Keneb, Fist, Malazan Army (Mentioned only)[16]
  • Kenryll'ah demon, ex-proprietor of Smiley's tavern in Malaz City, friend of Fiddler (Mentioned only)[11]
  • Kerudas Karosias, original form of the name Curdle[6]
  • Kessgan, a Lesser Assail, a 'Watered'[6]
  • Kessobahn, an Eleint captured by the Tiste Liosan[7]
  • Kettle, an undead child, 'seed' of an Azath House (Mentioned only)[14]
  • Kilava Onass, an Imass Bonecaster, mate to Onrack[7]
  • Kilmandaros, Elder Goddess, mother of Sechul Lath[2]
  • Kindly, Fist, Malazan Army[16]
  • Kisswhere, Corporal, Malazan Army squad member[3]
  • Knuckles (Sechul Lath), Elder God, 'Lord of Chance and Mischance' (aka 'Setch')[2]
  • Korabas, the 'Otataral Dragon', aka 'Magic Slayer'[2]
  • Korbolo Dom, ex-renegade Malazan Fist (Mentioned only)[9]
  • Korlat, an assassin mage, Soletaken Tiste Andii Eleint (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[12]
  • Koryk, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Krin Ne Fant, father of Kadagar Fant (Mentioned only)[15]
  • Kron, leader of the Kron T'lan Imass (Mentioned only)[25]
  • Krughava, Mortal Sword, Perish Grey Helms[3]
  • K'rul, Elder God of the Warrens, aka 'Maker of Paths'[7]
  • Kruppe, long-time resident of Darujhistan (Mentioned only)[14]
  • Kuru Qan, a Ceda (mage) of the King of Lether, friend of Brys Beddict (Mentioned only)[18]



  • Mael, Elder God of the Seas[7]
  • Mallet, an original Bridgeburner (First mentioned)[20] (First appearance)[6]
  • Mallick Rel, a Jhistal priest of Mael (Mentioned only)[7]
  • Manx, a shaman sapper of 'The Host'[8]
  • Mappo, a Trell and a long-time companion of Icarium[4]
  • Masan Gilani, Malazan Army squad member[4]
  • Master Quell, High Mage, Trygalle Trade Guild (Mentioned only)[4]
  • Mathok, Seven Cities' Warleader, attached to 'The Host' (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[22]
  • Maybe, Malazan Army squad member[17]
  • Mayfly, Malazan Army squad member (First mentioned)[16] (First appearance)[17]
  • Melest, a Lesser Assail, a 'Watered'[6]
  • Menandore, Elder Ascendant, aka 'Sister Dawn', mother of Rud Elalle (Mentioned only)[7]
  • Minala, associate of Shadowthrone and Cotillion, wife of Kalam Mekhar[9]
  • Mixter Frill, ex-prisoner, a defender of Shake/Letherii children and other non-combatants[12]
  • Mother Dark, Elder Goddess of Darkness (Mentioned only)[7]
  • Mowri, 'Lady of Beggars, Slaves and Serfs'[10]
  • Mulvan Dreader, Malazan Army squad member (First mentioned)[16] (First appearance)[6]
  • Munug, an artisan with crippled hands in Darujhistan, messenger to Karsa Orlong[5]


  • Nakalat, a parent of Mortal Sword Krughava (Mentioned only)[18]
  • Nefarias Bredd, storied Malazan Army squad member (First mentioned)[29] (First appearance)[6]
  • Neller, Malazan Army squad member (Mentioned only)[16]
  • [ 'Nemanda' (a DP entry and two separate A:DP entries) are misprints for Nenanda ]
  • Nenanda, Soletaken Tiste Andii Eleint, close kin of Nimander Golit[12]
  • Nep Furrow, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Nimander Golit, son of Anomander Rake, leader of the Tiste Andii in Black Coral, Soletaken Eleint[7]
  • Nithe, Corporal, a member of Yedan Derryg's elite Troop, the 'Watch'[13]
  • Nom Kala, aka 'Knife Drip', Bonecaster of the Brold T'lan Imass[19]
  • Not-Apsalar, name used by Telorast and Curdle for the ex-assassin Apsalar[8]
  • Noto Boil, High Mage of 'The Host', aka 'Cutter'[7]


  • Olar Ethil, Elder Goddess, Soletaken T'lan Imass Bonecaster (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[4]
  • Onos T'oolan/Onos Toolan, Warleader of T'lan Imass, husband of Hetan, father of Absi (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[19]
  • Onrack T'emlava, an Imass, mate to Kilava[7]
  • Oponn, 'Lord and Lady of Chance' (First mentioned)[4] (First appearance)[8]
  • Ordinary Grey, Sergeant, Malazan Army 'Regular'[6]
  • Orfantal, Soletaken Tiste Andii Eleint, son of Sandalath Drukorlat (Mentioned only)[12]
  • Ormulogun, Malazan Imperial Artist (First mentioned)[9] (First appearance)[22]
  • Oruth, a member of the Shake 'Army', brother of Sharl[13]
  • Osserc, aka 'Son of Light', son of Father Light, Soletaken Eleint (Mentioned only)[7]
  • ( Otataral Dragon: see Korabas )


  • Pahvral, (ex-Khundryl Burned Tears), Malazan Army Outrider, son of Berrach[16]
  • Phaed, a Tiste Andii ghost, sister of Nimander Golit[12]
  • Picker, a retired Bridgeburner in Darujhistan[9]
  • Pithy, ex-thief, a Captain of the Shake 'Army'[2]
  • Placid, a Forkrul Assail 'Lawful Inquisitor', a 'Pure' (referred to by name in Dramatis Personae only)[28]
  • Pores, Lieutenant, Malazan Army, aka 'Master-Sergeant Quartermaster Pores' (First mentioned)[16] (First appearance)[17]
  • Pravalak Rim, Corporal, Malazan Army squad member (First mentioned)[16] (First appearance)[29]
  • Prazek Goul, Soletaken Tiste Andii Eleint, close associate of Dathenar Fandoris and Korlat[12]
  • [ 'Prazek Gowl' (an A:DP entry) is a misprint for Prazek Goul ]
  • Precious Thimble, Shareholder, Trygalle Trade Guild[4]
  • Primly, Sergeant, Malazan Army squad member (Mentioned only)[16]
  • Pully, a witch of the Shake[2]


  • Quick Ben, High Mage, Malazan Army, (aka Ben Adaephon Delat)[4]


  • Raband, Captain, Malazan Army[16]
  • Rackle, Malazan Army member, one of Fist Blistig's henchmen, aka his 'gang of thugs'[20]
  • Ralata, a Barghast 'Skincut' warrior[4]
  • Rayez, (ex-Khundryl Burned Tears), Malazan Army Outrider, son of Berrach[16]
  • Reccanto Ilk, Shareholder, Trygalle Trade Guild (Mentioned only)[4]
  • ( the Red Dragon : see Silanah )
  • Redeemer, a recent Ascendant, revered in Black Coral (Mentioned only)[17]
  • Redmask, Awl War Leader (Mentioned only)[4]
  • Reliko, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Reverence, a Forkrul Assail 'Lawful Inquisitor', a 'Pure'[2]
  • Rhulad Sengar, ex-Emperor of Lether (Mentioned only)[18]
  • Rib, Corporal, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • ( Rim: see Pravalak Rim )
  • Roach, a Hengese lapdog[18]
  • Rud Elalle (Ryadd Eleis), Soletaken Eleint, son of Udinaas and Menandore (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[19]
  • Ruffle, Corporal, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Rumjugs, Sergeant, Malazan Army, 'Hedge's Bridgeburners' (First mentioned)[3] (First appearance)[16]
  • Run'Thurvian, a past Destriant, Perish Grey Helms (Mentioned only)[18]
  • Ruthan Gudd, Captain, Malazan Army[4]
  • Rutt, a member of 'The Snake (of Children)' (First mentioned)[3] (First appearance)[2]
  • Ryadd Eleis, 'true name' of Rud Elalle (Mentioned only)[19]
  • ( Ryllandaras : see White Jackal )
  • Rystalle Ev, a member of the Orshayn T'lan Imass[19]
  • Rythe Bude, Fist of 'The Host' (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[22]


  • Sad, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Saddic, a member of 'The Snake (of Children)'[3]
  • Saeden Thar, Lord Protector of Semii, a 'forgotten god' (Mentioned only)[5] Spoiler safe
  • Sag'Churok, a K'ell Hunter, K'Chain Che'Malle (First mentioned)[19] (First appearance)[5]
  • Salind, High Priestess of the Redeemer in Black Coral (Mentioned only)[17]
  • Saltlick, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Samar Dev, a scholar and witch from Seven Cities, companion of Karsa Orlong[7]
  • Sample, Soldier, Malazan Army 'Regular'[6]
  • Sanad, an undead Jaghut warrior, one of The Fourteen Undead Jaghut[27]
  • Sandalath Drukorlat, a Tiste Andii of 'Royal Blood', wife of Withal[2]
  • Scara Bandaris, a Soletaken Tiste Edur Eleint, aka 'Scabandari Bloodeye' (Mentioned only)[14]
  • ( Sechul Lath: see Knuckles )
  • Sekara, a Barghast, aka 'the Vile' (Mentioned only)[4]
  • Selv, ex-wife of Keneb (Mentioned only)[19]
  • Serap of the Issgin Line, grandmother of Krin Ne Fant (Mentioned only)[15]
  • Serenity, a Forkrul Assail 'Lawful Inquisitor', a 'Pure' (First mentioned)[2] (First appearance)[9]
  • Seren Pedac, a retired Acquitor of Lether, mother of a young son (Mentioned only)[26]
  • Setoc of the Wolves, a girl raised by wolves, Destriant of Togg and Fanderay[4]
  • Shades Elar, Soldier, Malazan Army 'Regular'[6]
  • Shadowthrone, King of High House Shadow[7] Spoiler safe
  • [ 'Shadowthrone (Ammeanas)' (an A:DP entry) is a misprint for Shadowthrone (Ammanas) ]
  • Sha'ik, 'Chosen One' (a title used in Seven Cities) (Mentioned only)[20]
  • [ 'THE SHAKE' (an A:DP Sub-heading) needs to be inserted between the entries Saddic (a Snake member) and Yan Tovis (a Shake member) in the (A:DP) ]
  • Shard, Corporal, Malazan Army squad member, brother of Sinn (Mentioned only)[19]
  • Sharl, a member of the Shake 'Army', elder sister of Casel and Oruth[13]
  • Shedenul (Soliel), 'Lady of Health and Healing'[10]
  • Shelemasa, a warrior, Khundryl Burned Tears[3]
  • Shipwreck, Soldier, Malazan Army 'Regular'[6]
  • Shoaly, Malazan Army squad member (Mentioned only)[16]
  • Shorthand, aka Himble Thrup[20]
  • Shortnose, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Shurq Elalle, a Letherii, sea-captain of the ship Undying Gratitude[3]
  • Silanah, an Eleint, companion of Anomander Rake, aka 'the red dragon' (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[12]
  • [ 'Silannah' (a DP entry) is a misprint for Silanah ]
  • Silchas Ruin, aka 'White Crow', Soletaken Tiste Andii Eleint, mentor of Ryadd Eleis (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[19]
  • [ 'Silk Warchief-Spax' (an A:DP entry) is a misprint for Gilk Warchief Spax ]
  • Silverfox, Soletaken, T'lan Imass Bonecaster, aka 'the Summoner' (Mentioned only)[4]
  • Sinn, a young Malazan Army member[3]
  • Sinter, Sergeant, Malazan Army squad member (First mentioned)[4] (First appearance)[16]
  • Sister of Cold Nights, aka 'Sister Night', said to be the name of ancient aide to the Queen of the Shake[12]
  • Skan Ahl, a clan Bentract T'lan Imass[4]
  • Skanarow, Captain, Malazan Army[16]
  • Skella, a childhood playmate of Smiles (Mentioned only)[20]
  • Skim, Malazan Army squad member (Mentioned only)[16]
  • Skinner, an Avowed of the Crimson Guard (Mentioned only)[22]
  • Skintick, Soletaken Tiste Andii Eleint, brother of Nimander Golit (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[12]
  • Skorgen Kaban, a Letherii, First Mate of the ship Undying Gratitude, (aka 'Pretty')[3]
  • Skulldeath, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Skwish, a witch of the Shake[2]
  • Sleg, (ex-Khundryl Burned Tears), Malazan Army Outrider, son of Berrach[16]
  • Smiles, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • [ 'THE SNAKE' (a DP Sub-heading) is a misprint for 'THE SHAKE' ]
  • Sorido, a miller[6]
  • ( Sorry: see Apsalar )
  • Sower of Spring, god among the Grallan, a 'forgotten god' (Mentioned only)[5] Spoiler safe
  • Spax, a White Face Barghast Warchief of clan Gilk, attached to 'The Evertine Legion' of Queen Abrastal[3]
  • Spindle, a retired Bridgeburner in Darujhistan[17]
  • Spinnock Durav, a Tiste Andii warrior (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[12]
  • Spultatha, a daughter of Queen Abrastal of Bolkando[23]
  • Stavi, young daughter of Hetan, twin to Storii[4]
  • Staylock, a Perish Grey Helm[8]
  • Stern, Corporal, a leading sapper of 'The Host'[8]
  • Stonewielder, aka Greymane, Malazan Army High Fist (Mentioned only)[9]
  • Stonny Menackis, ex-caravan guard, an inhabitant of Darujhistan (Mentioned only)[19]
  • Storii, young daughter of Hetan, twin to Stavi[4]
  • Stormy, Corporal, Malazan Army squad member, attached to the K'Chain Che'Malle as Shield Anvil[3]
  • Strap Mull, Malazan Army squad member (Mentioned only)[16]
  • Stull, Malazan Army member, one of Fist Blistig's henchmen, aka his 'gang of thugs'[20]
  • Suvalas, an undead Jaghut warrior, one of The Fourteen Undead Jaghut[5]
  • Sweetcreek, Captain of 'The Host' (First mentioned)[7] (First appearance)[8]
  • Sweetest Sufferance, Shareholder, Trygalle Trade Guild[4]
  • Sweetlard, Sergeant, Malazan Army, 'Hedge's Bridgeburners' (First mentioned)[3] (First appearance)[16]
  • Syndecan, High Cutter (field medic), Perish Grey Helms[5]



  • Ublala Pung, a well-armored Teblor/Tarthenal half-blood[4]
  • Udinaas, Letherii ex-slave of the Tiste Edur, father of Rud Elalle/Ryadd Eleis[7]
  • Uhandahl, a newly dead Tiste Liosan (Mentioned only)[7]
  • Ulag Togtil, a Bonecaster of the Orshayn T'lan Imass[19]
  • Ulshun Pral, an Imass warrior[7]
  • Urb, Sergeant, Malazan Army squad member[16]
  • Urko Crust, an 'Old Guard' member, brother of Caratharon Crust (Mentioned only)[18]
  • Urugal the Woven, one of 'The Unbound' T'lan Imass, High House Chains (First mentioned)[4] (First appearance)[6]





  • Zevgan Drouls, ex-prisoner, a defender of Shake/Letherii children and other non-combatants[12]


The Dramatis Personae (DP) and Appendix:Dramatis Personae (A:DP) contain several misprints.

Corrections given here are based on spellings, regarded as being the correct ones, which are given as actually printed in the text of the novel. There are no occurrences of these "misspellings" in the actual text of the novel itself. The edition on which this Errata is based is listed in the Notes section. For more information see DP talk page.

Errors in the main Dramatis Personae[]

  1. "THE SNAKE" is a misprint for "THE SHAKE".
  2. "Dathenar Gowl", is a probable misprint for the entry Dathenar Fandoris and the separate entry Prazek Goul (refer to Dathenar Gowl for discussion on this).
  3. "Silannah" is a misprint for Silanah.
  4. "Gallimada" is a misprint for Gillimada.
  5. "Nemanda" is a misprint for Nenanda.

Errors in Appendix:Dramatis Personae[]

  1. "Wimble Thrup" is a misprint for Himble Thrup.
  2. "Nemanda" is a misprint for Nenanda.
  3. "Silk Warchief-Spax" is a misprint for Gilk Warchief Spax.
  4. "Prazek Gowl" is a misprint for Prazek Goul.
  5. "Aimanan Hood" is a misprint for the entry Aimanan and the separate entry Hood.
  6. "THE SHAKE" heading needs to be inserted between the entries "Saddic", a Snake member, and "Yan Tovis", a Shake member, in the (A:DP).
  7. "THE HOST" entries Skintick, Desra and Nemanda [sic] should be deleted. The entries "Skintick", "Desra" and "Nenanda" are correctly found in "THE TISTE ANDII" section of the (A:DP) only.

Notes and references[]


  • The US TOR Hardcover Edition (ISBN 978-0-7653-1010-1) of The Crippled God was used as the source edition for the Dramatis Personae (DP) and the Appendix:Dramatis Personae (A:DP), as referred to above. The hardcover first editions were simultaneously published in the UK (Bantam) and US (TOR): the same printed text (but with different pagination) was used for both countries.


  1. Note that some entries in the text of the Appendix:Dramatis Personae (A:DP) of the The Crippled God are given in an 'updated' form (e.g., "Captain Kindly" is printed as "Fist Kindly", etc.)
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 The Crippled God, Chapter 5
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 The Crippled God, Chapter 3
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 The Crippled God, Chapter 2
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 The Crippled God, Chapter 23
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 The Crippled God, Chapter 24
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 7.31 7.32 7.33 7.34 7.35 7.36 7.37 7.38 7.39 7.40 7.41 7.42 7.43 7.44 7.45 7.46 7.47 7.48 7.49 7.50 7.51 7.52 7.53 7.54 7.55 7.56 7.57 7.58 The Crippled God, Chapter 1
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 The Crippled God, Chapter 22
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 The Crippled God, Chapter 18
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 The Crippled God, Chapter 8
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 The Crippled God, Epilogue Two
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 The Crippled God, Chapter 19
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 The Crippled God, Chapter 12
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 The Crippled God, Chapter 16
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 The Crippled God, Chapter 15
  16. 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 16.17 16.18 16.19 16.20 16.21 16.22 16.23 16.24 16.25 16.26 16.27 16.28 16.29 16.30 16.31 16.32 16.33 16.34 16.35 16.36 16.37 16.38 16.39 16.40 16.41 16.42 16.43 16.44 16.45 16.46 16.47 16.48 16.49 16.50 16.51 16.52 16.53 16.54 16.55 16.56 16.57 16.58 16.59 16.60 16.61 16.62 16.63 16.64 The Crippled God, Chapter 4
  17. 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 17.12 17.13 17.14 17.15 17.16 The Crippled God, Chapter 11
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 The Crippled God, Chapter 10
  19. 19.00 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19.07 19.08 19.09 19.10 19.11 19.12 19.13 19.14 19.15 19.16 19.17 19.18 19.19 The Crippled God, Chapter 6
  20. 20.00 20.01 20.02 20.03 20.04 20.05 20.06 20.07 20.08 20.09 20.10 20.11 20.12 The Crippled God, Chapter 20
  21. 21.0 21.1 The Crippled God, Appendix:Dramatis Personae
  22. 22.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 22.05 22.06 22.07 22.08 22.09 22.10 22.11 The Crippled God, Chapter 21
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 The Crippled God, Chapter 13
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 The Crippled God, Chapter 7
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 The Crippled God, Chapter 9
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.7 The Crippled God, Chapter 14
  27. 27.0 27.1 The Crippled God, Epilogue One
  28. 28.0 28.1 The Crippled God, Dramatis Personae
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 The Crippled God, Chapter 17
List of abbreviationsPaginationsHow to reference an article
