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Map Chain of Dogs 2

Area south of Vathar Forest

The river Vathar marked the northern edge of the Vathar Forest and emptied into the Dojal Hading Sea on the Seven Cities continent.

In Deadhouse Gates[]

See also: Battle of Vathar Crossing

The Vathar Crossing was the site of a particularly devasting battle between Coltaine's Chain of Dogs and Korbolo Dom's South Army of the Apolcalypse. The battle became known under different names: Vathar Crossing, Coltain's Crossing, Vathar Massacre, the Day of Pure Blood, Mesh'arn tho'ledann.[1]

Mesh'arn tho'ledann, or 'the Day of Pure Blood' in the Can'eld dialect, was the name given to the day when the river Vathar gushed blood and bodies into the Dojal Hading Sea. The wash of blood and bodies lasted for nearly a week and that time also came to be known as the Season of Sharks by the fisher folk who plied the waters of the sea. Such was the devastation after the battle between Coltaine's Chain of Dogs and Korbolo Dom's South Army of the Apocalyse.[2]

Over twenty thousand refugees were killed, along with seven hundred soldiers who were either killed outright, wounded or lost. Sormo E'nath also died during the crossing of the Vathar and his soul was taken by an enormous flock of yellow butterflies.[3]

After that crossing, only a dozen engineers remained, a score of marines and less than five hundred able fighters in the Foolish Dog clan, with the other two Wickan clans similarly mauled.[4]

Sormo day of pure blood

'Day of Pure Blood' by Corporal Nobbs

In House of Chains[]

Adjunct Tavore Paran brought the Malaz 14th Army to Aren to launch a punitive expedition against the Army of the Whirlwind. The army followed the Chain of Dog's path in reverse, eventually arriving at Vathar Crossing. Evidence of the battle was everywhere. The shoreline was littered with bleached bones and fragments of cloth, leather, and iron. The ford itself was obscured by heaps of detritus, waterlogged wagons, trees, and grasses which were all anchored in place by blood. Local tribes hung sacrifices of sheep and goat carcasses from spears planted in the river, while the "bridge" of blood was meant to honour those who fell.[5]

The Adjunct ordered the debris cleared by Moranth munitions. While Fist Tene Baralta, Nil, and Nether cleared the area of local observers who might be offended by the destruction of their tribute, Fiddler and Cuttle used twelve Crackers and three Cussers to do the job.[6]


"The Day of Pure Blood
was a gift of the Seven
from their tombs of sand.
Fortune was a river
the glory a gift of the Seven
that flowed yellow and crimson
across the day.
Dog Chain

Notes and references[]
